Woodsoak Santi Sauvignon Blanc
Wine Type:
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Sauvignon Blanc
Region, Subregion, Country:
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Limestone Coast, Australia
Woodsoak Wines Santi Sauvignon Blanc 2021 是 Sauvignon Blanc 葡萄的傑出表現,精心挑選來自著名的 Limestone Coast Mt Benson 葡萄酒產區的葡萄釀造而成。這個地區涼爽溫和的氣候和漫長、乾燥的生長季節為生產品質和風味卓越的葡萄提供了理想的條件。

這款葡萄酒擁有鮮明的淺稻草色,迷人的香氣展現出熱帶水果如百香果和荔枝的芳香,並伴有青椒的底蘊。在口感上,Santi Sauvignon Blanc 醇厚飽滿,帶有柚子和檸檬的餘韻,讓味蕾渴望更多。

Santi Sauvignon Blanc 是在良朋好友的陪伴下,享受夏日美景的完美伴侶。它與白肉或 Robe 地區著名的新鮮海鮮拼盤搭配得天衣無縫,再配上清新的夏日香草沙拉,更是絕配。品嚐這款葡萄酒時,再搭配一個芝士拼盤,尤其是山羊奶酪,定能讓芝士愛好者們欣喜不已。

Woodsoak Wines Santi Sauvignon Blanc 2021 is a remarkable expression of the Sauvignon Blanc grape, crafted from carefully selected grapes sourced from the acclaimed Mt Benson Wine Region in the Limestone Coast. The cool temperate climate and long, dry growing seasons of this region provide ideal conditions for producing grapes of exceptional quality and flavor.

This wine boasts a vivid pale straw color and a captivating bouquet that showcases tropical notes of passionfruit and lychees, underscored by hints of green bell pepper. On the palate, Santi Sauvignon Blanc is robust and filling, with a zesty grapefruit and lemon finish that leaves the taste buds yearning for more.

Santi Sauvignon Blanc is the perfect companion for savoring a summer sunset among good friends. It pairs exceptionally well with white meats or a platter of freshly caught seafood, famously abundant in Robe, alongside a fresh, herbaceous summer salad. Cheese enthusiasts will delight in sipping this wine while indulging in a cheese platter, particularly savoring its compatibility with goat's cheese.
Woodsoak, is located between Robe & Beachport within the picturesque coastal Robe Wine Region. The property has been in the Legoe family for 70 years as a cattle & sheep enterprise. In 1998, Will and Sonia planted a 55 acre vineyard and in 2010, we launched our Woodsoak Wines label, our 4th child! Our boutique business is based on family traditions and we have named 3 of our ten wines after our children, Vijay Cabernet Sauvignon, Raj Shiraz and Rani Rose. We then ran out of children and had to come up with other names!! Our wine range includes: Zaahira Sparkling, Santi Sauvignon Blanc, Mayur Chardonnay, Rani Rose, Pyaar Pinot Noir, Leelah Merlot, Raj Shiraz, Vijay Cabernet Sauvignon, Methode Traditionnelle Blanc de Noirs and Methode Traditionnelle Sparkling Shiraz. Our emblem, the peacock is the revered national bird of India. 18 months ago, we enthusiastically renovated an historic house in the heart of the Main Street of Robe & have now converted it into a quirky outdoor Woodsoak Wine Room. We wheel out our antique Indian bar & offer free wine tastings, glasses/bottles of wine and our signature samosa plate. We absolutely love meeting our customer from all over the world and sharing our wine, our story and our experiences! We’re always up for a chat!!
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