Wild Turkey Rare Breed Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey
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Kentucky, USA
在每一口 Rare Breed 中,人們發現了 Wild Turkey 的純粹精髓。這款真正的原桶強度威士忌體現了 "小批量" 傳統的精髓。精心調配了他們最優質的 6 年、8 年和 12 年波本,直接從桶中裝瓶,不添加水,提供一種精心策劃的品酩體驗,將飲酒者帶到酒廠的核心。

Wild Turkey 對品質的追求始於最優質的非基因改造穀物,由釀酒大師精心挑選。穀物使用肯塔基河的純淨石灰岩過濾水進行糖化和麥芽處理,賦予了獨特的味道深度。然後,將麥芽汁與酒廠嚴格保密的專有酵母菌株發酵,創造出豐富而美味的基酒。


悠長而饒富辛辣氣息的餘韻邀人沉思。以 112.8 Proof 的原桶強度呈現,Rare Breed 最好純飲或加冰塊飲用,讓其未經稀釋的特性得以彰顯。這款傳奇表達方式是對 Wild Turkey 大膽精神的致敬,是一款要求以最純粹形式體驗的威士忌。

In every sip of Rare Breed, one discovers the unadulterated essence of Wild Turkey, an authentic barrel proof whiskey that epitomizes the "small batch" tradition. This meticulously crafted blend of their choicest 6-, 8-, and 12-year bourbons is bottled directly from the cask, untouched by water, offering a curated sipping experience that transports the drinker to the heart of the distillery.

Wild Turkey's commitment to quality begins with the finest non-GMO grains, carefully selected by the Master Distiller. The grains are mashed and malted using pure, limestone-filtered water from the Kentucky River, imparting a unique depth of flavor. The mash is then fermented with a proprietary yeast strain, closely guarded by the distillery, to create a rich and flavorful base.

As one noses this amber elixir, a bouquet of spring flowers envelops the senses, intertwined with hints of black pepper and the gentle nuttiness of almonds. Layers of honey and dates unfold, hinting at the complex journey that awaits. On the palate, warm, smoky flavors of grain and spice dance in harmony, while the intense vanilla notes and exceptional mouthfeel bear testament to the whiskey's unwavering commitment to quality.

The finish lingers, a long and spice-laden epilogue that invites contemplation. At 112.8 barrel proof, Rare Breed is best savored neat or on the rocks, allowing its undiluted character to shine through. This legendary expression stands as a tribute to the bold spirit of Wild Turkey, a whiskey that demands to be experienced in its purest form.
Wild Turkey