Surh Cellars Pinot Noir
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Pinot Noir
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Sonoma County, USA
Surh Cellars Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir 2018 是一款迷人的葡萄酒,展現了 Sonoma Coast 獨特的風土特性和精湛的釀造工藝。葡萄經過精心分類、去梗和破碎,保留了大量的完整果粒。經過 3-4 天的低溫浸泡後,葡萄在開放式發酵罐中發酵 10-14 天,最高溫度維持在 84-86 華氏度,著重於溫和萃取。

乳酸發酵在桶中進行,使葡萄酒形成獨特的質地和風味。2020 年 3 月,葡萄酒經過一次換桶、調配和裝瓶,以確保其獨特風格的保存。

初聞 Surh Cellars Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir 2018,可能會給人單一的香氣印象,但細細品味,便會發現玫瑰花瓣、櫻桃白蘭地和香草的誘人氣息。入口後,黑櫻桃、大黃、紅茶和細膩而持久的烘烤風味在口中綻放。

這款中等酒體的 Pinot Noir 集中而易飲,同時展現出豐富的層次。它在較低比例的新法國橡木桶中陳釀,現在即可享用,與烤魚、西班牙海鮮飯、油封鴨腿、蠶豆或各種素食菜餚都是絕佳搭配。雖然它的強度可能不及某些其他 Pinot Noir,但這款葡萄酒預計可以優雅地陳年 5-7 年,儘管它可能會更早被飲用殆盡。

Surh Cellars Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir 2018 is a captivating wine that showcases the meticulous winemaking process and the unique characteristics of the Sonoma Coast terroir. The fruit is carefully sorted, destemmed, and crushed, retaining a high proportion of whole berries. After a 3-4 day cold soak, the grapes are fermented for 10-14 days at a maximum temperature of 84-86 degrees Fahrenheit in open-top tanks and small open-top fermentors, with a focus on gentle extraction.

Malolactic fermentation takes place in barrels, allowing the wine to develop its distinctive texture and flavors. The wine is racked once, blended, and bottled in March 2020, ensuring the preservation of its unique character.

On the nose, Surh Cellars Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir 2018 initially presents a singular aroma profile, but gradually reveals enticing notes of rose petals, maraschino cherries, and vanilla. In the glass, the wine displays compelling flavors of black cherry, rhubarb, black tea, and a subtle yet persistent toasty character.

This well-focused, medium-bodied Pinot Noir offers an easy-drinking experience, while still exhibiting plenty of depth. Aged in a lower percentage of new French oak, the wine is ready to be enjoyed now, pairing effortlessly with dishes such as grilled fish, paella, duck confit, fava beans, or most vegetarian offerings. Although it may not possess the intensity of some other Pinot Noirs, this wine is expected to age gracefully for 5-7 years, though it will likely be consumed much sooner.
Surh Cellars
Since 1992, Don Surh has been making wine with varietals grown in Napa, Sonoma, Monterey and Mendocino counties in California. The 1999 vintage was the first commercial vintage in which 1,100 cases of Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, a Bordeaux blend called Mosaique, and a Napa Valley Zinfandel were produced. Today, product has increased to approximately 3,000 cases annually, across seven varietals.