Soberano Sherry Cask Solera Brandy
Wine Type:
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Region, Subregion, Country:
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Jerez, Spain
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Soberano Solera Brandy 是西班牙烈酒製作藝術和傳統的見證,這款卓越的白蘭地在著名的 Tio Pepe 雪莉酒桶中陳釀一年,這一過程賦予了它無與倫比的風味特徵和深度。

這款白蘭地的旅程始於西班牙中部拉曼查地區陽光普照的葡萄園中最優質的 Airén 葡萄。這些葡萄在著名的 González Byass 酒廠的銅質和不鏽鋼蒸餾塔中精心蒸餾,大師級釀酒師只選擇蒸餾液中最純淨、味道最豐富的核心部分,也就是被稱為 holandas 的部分。

隨後,這些 holandas 被運送到位於赫雷斯的 González Byass 歷史悠久的酒窖,在 Tio Pepe 雪莉酒桶中陳釀。這些曾經盛裝世界聞名的 Tio Pepe 雪莉酒的橡木桶,在一年的時間裡將其獨特的風味和香氣傳遞給了白蘭地。最終,這款烈酒的複雜度和深度無與倫比,每一口都會揭示新的風味和香氣層次。

在杯中,Soberano Solera Brandy 呈現出深邃的琥珀色,暗示著其中豐富的風味。在鼻腔中,白蘭地以誘人的梅子、葡萄乾和橙皮的香氣迎接感官,邀請品飲者進一步探索。當白蘭地觸及味蕾時,它展現出順滑豐潤的酒體,帶有令人愉悅的橡木和香草氣息,與蜂蜜、可可和肉桂的辛辣味道完美平衡。

這款傑出的白蘭地真實展現了 González Byass 酒廠的大師級釀酒師的技藝和專注,González Byass 是西班牙最負盛名的雪莉酒生產商之一。每一口 Soberano Solera Brandy 都是一次穿越西班牙烈酒製作核心的旅程,提供了一種溫暖而誘人的體驗,非常適合與朋友分享或獨自品味。

Soberano Solera Brandy is a testament to the artistry and tradition of Spanish spirit-making, offering a unique and captivating experience for the senses. This exceptional brandy spends a year in the esteemed Tio Pepe barrels, a process that contributes to its unparalleled flavor profile and depth of character.

The brandy's journey begins with the finest Airén grapes from the sun-drenched vineyards of La Mancha in central Spain. These grapes are carefully distilled in copper and steel column stills at the renowned González Byass distillery, where the Master Distiller selects only the purest and most flavorful heart of the distillate, known as holandas.

The holandas are then transported to the historic González Byass bodegas in Jerez, where they are left to mature in the Tio Pepe barrels. These barrels, which previously held the world-famous Tio Pepe sherry, impart their distinctive flavors and aromas to the brandy over the course of a year. The result is a spirit of unrivaled complexity and depth, with each sip revealing new layers of flavor and aroma.

In the glass, Soberano Solera Brandy shines a deep, dark amber, hinting at the rich flavors within. On the nose, the brandy greets the senses with enticing aromas of prune, raisin, and orange peel, inviting the drinker to explore further. As the brandy touches the palate, it reveals a smooth and rich body, with delicious hints of oak and vanilla that are perfectly balanced by the spicy notes of honey, cacao, and cinnamon.

This outstanding brandy is a true expression of the skill and dedication of the master distillers at González Byass, one of Spain's most celebrated sherry producers. Each sip of Soberano Solera Brandy is a journey through the heart of Spanish spirit-making, offering a warm and inviting experience that is perfect for sharing with friends or savoring on its own.
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