Soberano 5 Years Sherry Cask Reserva Brandy
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Jerez, Spain
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Soberano Reserva 白蘭地見證了西班牙烈酒製作的豐富傳承和匠心工藝。這款白蘭地採用傳統的 "Criaderas and Solera" 方法,這是一種將年輕白蘭地與年份較久的白蘭地調和,以創造出一致風味的獨特系統。在雪莉酒桶中陳釀五年,來自 Jerez 的 Gonzalez Byass 歷史悠久的酒窖,帶來味覺的交響樂。

Soberano 白蘭地由產自西班牙拉曼恰中心地帶的 Airén 葡萄製成,在銅質和不鏽鋼蒸餾塔中精心蒸餾成 holandas(也稱為 "aguardientes",是葡萄酒首次蒸餾後產生的清澈、味道豐富的烈酒)。憑藉敏銳的眼光和精緻的味蕾,大師級釀酒師只選擇烈酒的核心部分,以其芳香的複雜性、果香、花香和辛辣味而聞名。

這些 holandas 隨後來到赫雷斯,在先前裝過雪莉酒至少三年的 600 升美國橡木桶中沉睡。在五年的時間裡,白蘭地在這些陳年的木桶懷抱中成熟,形成其獨特的金色色調、複雜的香氣和絲滑的口感。


Soberano 5 Years Sherry Cask Reserva Brandy 讓人在每一口中品味西班牙的溫暖和歡樂。它可以純飲、加冰塊飲用,或作為最喜歡的Tapas的完美搭配。

Soberano Reserva brandy is a testament to the rich heritage and craftsmanship of Spanish spirit-making. Aged for five years in sherry casks using the traditional 'Criaderas and Solera' method, a unique system where younger brandies are blended with older ones to create a consistent flavor profile, this brandy is a symphony of flavors, straight from the historic cellars of Gonzalez Byass in Jerez.

Crafted from Airén grapes grown in the heart of Spain's La Mancha region, Soberano brandy begins its life as carefully distilled holandas (also known as "aguardientes," which are the clear, flavorful spirits resulting from the first distillation of the wine) in copper and steel column stills. The Master Distiller, with a keen eye and refined palate, selects only the heart of the spirits, prized for their aromatic complexity, fruity, floral, and spicy notes.

These holandas then make their way to Jerez, where they slumber in 600-liter American oak casks that have previously held Sherry wine for at least three years. Over the course of five years, the brandy matures, developing its distinctive golden hue, intricate aroma, and velvety palate in the embrace of these seasoned casks.

The result is a brandy that gleams a deep golden color with mahogany and amber highlights. On the nose, it entices with fine wood, nut, and toffee aromas. The palate is soft and smooth, revealing sweet and balsamic notes, culminating in a lingering vinous finish—a testament to its patient aging in Sherry wine casks.

Soberano 5 Years Sherry Cask Reserva Brandy is more than just a spirit; it's an invitation to savor the warmth and conviviality of Spain with every sip. It can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or as the perfect companion to favorite tapas.
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