Plantation Pineapple Stiggin's Fancy Rum
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100% Rum
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Caribbean, Unspecified
Plantation Pineapple Stiggins' Fancy Rum 是一款向查爾斯·狄更斯在《匹克威克外傳》中創造的人物 Reverend Stiggins 致敬的佳釀,他最喜歡的飲料就是「鳳梨蘭姆酒」。這款獨特的蘭姆酒捕捉了 Stiggins 最愛的飲品的精髓,帶來濃郁而美味的鳳梨香氣,並帶有細微的煙熏和丁香氣息。

這款蘭姆酒的製作過程包括將維多利亞鳳梨的果皮浸泡在 Plantation 3 Stars 蘭姆酒中,然後再進一步蒸餾。另外,鳳梨果肉則浸泡在 Plantation Original Dark 蘭姆酒中。最後,將蒸餾液和果肉浸泡液專業地調配在一起,誕生出一款和諧而美味的蘭姆酒,撩撥著感官。

在香氣上,Plantation Pineapple Stiggins' Fancy Rum 呈現出迷人的熱帶水果、鳳梨、柑橘皮和一絲丁香的香氣,全部籠罩在細微的煙熏氣息中。當它觸及味蕾時,這款蘭姆酒揭示出成熟香蕉、鳳梨和香料的結構性和愉悅感,無縫地層疊在煙熏的餘味中,在舌尖上徘徊。

這款精緻的蘭姆酒是 Alexandre Gabriel 和 David Wondrich 第三次合作的結晶,他們是烈酒行業的兩位知名人士。他們之前的合作佳釀 Ferrand Cognac 1840 Original Formula 和 Pierre Ferrand Dry Curaçao 都獲得了國際讚譽,前者在 2012 年的 Cocktail Spirit Awards 上被評為最佳新產品,後者在 2012 年的柏林酒吧展上被選為年度烈酒。

Plantation Pineapple Stiggins' Fancy Rum 是蘭姆酒製作藝術和合作力量的見證。它為蘭姆酒愛好者和好奇的飲酒者提供了一種獨特而難忘的體驗,將他們帶入 Reverend Stiggins 和他心愛的鳳梨蘭姆酒的世界。

Plantation Pineapple Stiggins' Fancy Rum is a delightful tribute to the beloved character Reverend Stiggins from Charles Dickens' Pickwick Papers, whose favorite drink was "pineapple rum." This unique rum captures the essence of Stiggins' favorite libation, delivering a rich and delicious pineapple bouquet with subtle smoky and clove notes.

The creation of this rum involves a meticulous process of infusing the barks of Victoria pineapples in Plantation 3 Stars rum, which is then further distilled. Separately, the pineapple fruit is infused in Plantation Original Dark rum. The resulting distillate and fruit infusion are expertly blended together, giving birth to a harmonious and flavorful rum that tantalizes the senses.

On the nose, Plantation Pineapple Stiggins' Fancy Rum presents a captivating bouquet of tropical fruit, pineapple, citrus peel, and a hint of clove, all enveloped in a subtle smoky aroma. As it reaches the palate, the rum unveils a structured and pleasant sensation of ripe banana, pineapple, and spices, seamlessly layered in a smoky finish that lingers on the tongue.

This exquisite rum is the result of a third collaboration between Alexandre Gabriel and David Wondrich, two renowned figures in the spirits industry. Their previous collaborations, Ferrand Cognac 1840 Original Formula and Pierre Ferrand Dry Curaçao, have garnered international acclaim, with the former being awarded the Best New Product at the Cocktail Spirit Awards of 2012 and the latter being elected Spirit of the Year at the Berlin Bar Show in 2012.

Plantation Pineapple Stiggins' Fancy Rum is a testament to the art of rum-making and the power of collaboration. It offers rum enthusiasts and curious imbibers a unique and memorable experience, transporting them to the world of Reverend Stiggins and his cherished pineapple rum.
Passionate, curious, refined taste for beauty, Alexandre Gabriel is a tireless entrepreneur in search of perfection. An artisan businessman, he delivers the best product by implementing the most advanced and precise production methods. He knows that a great cognac, a superior rum, is above all a powerful emotion to be shared. Alexandre Gabriel applies the discipline and passion of ancient craftsmen, artisans, and goldsmiths to his rum and cognac. In 1989 Alexander Gabriel discovers Maison Ferrand, one of the oldest spirit brands in the Cognac region. The reputation of the House is indisputable but sales are lagging. An immediate crush grabs hold and Alexandre Gabriel dives in with exuberance to the details and craft of Cognac production. Travel follows passion and soon Alexandre Gabriel is creating a dedicated distribution network of equally passionate partners. He builds on his values and vision for the House. Twenty years later, most of his founding team are still together. The 1990s see Alexandre Gabriel combing the Caribbean in search of the best rums of the region. Plantation is born: an artisanal range of rums from the great terroirs of the tropics. Fifteen years of dedicated rum-making later, in 2012, Alexandre is awarded Master Rum Blender of the Year at the Golden Rum Barrel Awards and was named Distiller of the Year by The American Distilling Institute. Today, President and Owner of Maison Ferrand, Alexandre Gabriel has won praise across the category and industry. Focusing on three major spirits that represent the passion and vision of Maison Ferrand: Ferrand Grande Champagne Cognac, Artisanal Citadelle Gin, and Plantation “Grands Terroirs”: authentic spirits that express the individual terroirs that made them.