Plantation OFTD Overproof Rum
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100% Rum
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Trinidad and Tobago, Unspecified
Plantation O.F.T.D. Overproof Rum 是一款向經典高度蘭姆酒致敬的傑作。Alexandre Gabriel,這款佳釀背後的夢想家,與來自世界各地的六位經驗豐富的蘭姆酒專家合作,踏上了完善調配和酒精濃度的探索之旅。結果是一款和諧融合了圭亞那、牙買加和巴貝多蘭姆酒的佳釀,酒精濃度高達69%。

O.F.T.D. 的名字正式代表著 Old Fashioned Traditional Dark(傳統古典黑蘭姆酒),但見證了這款佳釀誕生的七位合作者會告訴你,它蘊含著更深層的意義,這是在品嚐到神聖的蘭姆酒時所爆發出的讚嘆。這款蘭姆酒代表著一群蘭姆酒極客之間的熱情、專業和情誼的交融,他們成為了一輩子的蘭姆兄弟。

在香氣上,Plantation O.F.T.D. Overproof Rum 呈現出濃郁而精妙的咖啡、柑橘、梅子、果醬和松露氣息。當它觸碰到味蕾時,焦糖奶油、巧克力和香草的風味迸發而出,接著是肉桂、葡萄乾、肉豆蔻、橡木和甘蔗糖蜜的氣息,並帶有煙熏味。餘味悠長而持久,伴隨著黑巧克力、丁香和焦糖的氣息。

這款高度蘭姆酒使用原甘蔗糖蜜製成,每種成分都經過獨特的發酵和蒸餾過程。巴貝多的蘭姆酒發酵72小時,並在 Gregg's Farm 使用雙塔式和壺式蒸餾器蒸餾。圭亞那的蘭姆酒發酵一週,在 Port Mourant 蒸餾器中蒸餾,而牙買加的蘭姆酒則發酵兩週,在 John Dore 的壺式蒸餾器中蒸餾。

憑藉其豐富的歷史、精湛的工藝和大膽的風味特徵,Plantation O.F.T.D. Overproof Rum 是蘭姆酒製作藝術的見證。它邀請蘭姆酒愛好者和探索精神開啟味蕾,品味這款真正卓越的高度蘭姆酒,體現了合作與熱情的精神。

Plantation O.F.T.D. Overproof Rum is a masterful blend that pays homage to the classic style of overproof rums. Alexandre Gabriel, the visionary behind this creation, embarked on a quest to perfect the blend and proof, collaborating with six seasoned rum experts from around the world. The result is a harmonious fusion of Guyana, Jamaica, and Barbados rums, bottled at a robust 69 percent alcohol.

The name O.F.T.D. officially stands for Old Fashioned Traditional Dark, but the seven collaborators who witnessed the birth of this blend will tell you it holds a deeper meaning, one that was exclaimed upon tasting the winning rum. This rum represents a communion of passion, expertise, and camaraderie among a band of rum geeks who became rum brothers for life.

On the nose, Plantation O.F.T.D. Overproof Rum presents intense and precise notes of coffee, orange, plum, jam, and truffles. As it touches the palate, it bursts with flavors of caramel cream, chocolate, and vanilla, followed by hints of cinnamon, raisins, nutmeg, oak, and molasses with smoky accents. The finish is long and lingering, with dark chocolate, clove, and caramel notes.

This overproof rum is crafted from molasses, with each component undergoing unique fermentation and distillation processes. The Barbados rum is fermented for 72 hours and distilled using Twin Column & Pot Still at Gregg's Farm. The Guyana rum is fermented for 1 week and distilled in Port Mourant stills, while the Jamaican rum is fermented for 2 weeks and distilled in Pot Stills at John Dore.

With its rich history, meticulous craftsmanship, and bold flavor profile, Plantation O.F.T.D. Overproof Rum is a testament to the art of rum-making. It invites rum enthusiasts and adventurous spirits to savor a truly exceptional overproof rum that embodies the spirit of collaboration and passion.
Passionate, curious, refined taste for beauty, Alexandre Gabriel is a tireless entrepreneur in search of perfection. An artisan businessman, he delivers the best product by implementing the most advanced and precise production methods. He knows that a great cognac, a superior rum, is above all a powerful emotion to be shared. Alexandre Gabriel applies the discipline and passion of ancient craftsmen, artisans, and goldsmiths to his rum and cognac. In 1989 Alexander Gabriel discovers Maison Ferrand, one of the oldest spirit brands in the Cognac region. The reputation of the House is indisputable but sales are lagging. An immediate crush grabs hold and Alexandre Gabriel dives in with exuberance to the details and craft of Cognac production. Travel follows passion and soon Alexandre Gabriel is creating a dedicated distribution network of equally passionate partners. He builds on his values and vision for the House. Twenty years later, most of his founding team are still together. The 1990s see Alexandre Gabriel combing the Caribbean in search of the best rums of the region. Plantation is born: an artisanal range of rums from the great terroirs of the tropics. Fifteen years of dedicated rum-making later, in 2012, Alexandre is awarded Master Rum Blender of the Year at the Golden Rum Barrel Awards and was named Distiller of the Year by The American Distilling Institute. Today, President and Owner of Maison Ferrand, Alexandre Gabriel has won praise across the category and industry. Focusing on three major spirits that represent the passion and vision of Maison Ferrand: Ferrand Grande Champagne Cognac, Artisanal Citadelle Gin, and Plantation “Grands Terroirs”: authentic spirits that express the individual terroirs that made them.