Mortlach 16 Years Old Distiller's Pride
Wine Type:


Region, Subregion, Country:
Speyside, Scotland
Alcohol Level:

慕赫採用獨特的2.81蒸餾工藝,造就極其珍稀的酒液。在1920年代,連酒廠員工都無法完全掌握其中奧秘。直到1990年代,隨著限量版「Flora&Fauna」16年單一麥芽威士忌的推出,愛好者們才終於能夠體驗其精髓。最新的16年單一麥芽完全在雪莉桶中熟成,延續了F&F 16年獨特的醇厚飽滿個性和溫暖餘韻。威士忌專家一致讚譽,它超越了前作。
「肉感」(Meaty)的風味表現是什麼?威士忌專家查爾斯·麥克萊恩(Charles Maclean)將其描述為皮革、牛皮、烤豬肉、香腸、烤肉和肉湯等。
Mortlach's iconic 2.81 distillation process yields an exceptionally rare spirit. In the 1920s, even the distillery staff couldn't fully grasp its secrets. It wasn't until the 1990s, with the release of the limited-edition Flora & Fauna 16-year-old single malt whisky, that enthusiasts could finally experience its essence. The latest 16-year-old single malt, matured entirely in sherry casks, carries on the legacy of the F&F 16-year-old, with its distinctively rich and full-bodied character and warm finish. Whisky experts unanimously praise it as surpassing its predecessor.
On the nose, it is rich and complex, with berry notes accompanied by earthy and spicy aromas. The palate is full-bodied and substantial, with a leathery spiciness, hints of almonds, and a touch of honey. It is delightfully sweet, with deep, rich, and rounded flavors.
Although Mortlach was the first legal distillery in Dufftown, the heart of Scotland's whisky region, its unique and complex 2.81 distillation process resulted in extremely limited production. It wasn't until the 1990s, with the release of the limited-edition "Flora & Fauna" Mortlach 16-year-old, that whisky lovers could finally appreciate its true character. Today's Mortlach 16-year-old single malt whisky once again carries on this legendary legacy, with its perfect sherry cask expression, crafted through time. It dances across the table with the rich purity of foie gras and top-quality duck, creating an unparalleled East-meets-West flavor experience.
What is the "meaty" flavor profile? Whisky expert Charles Maclean describes it as leather, cowhide, cooked pork, sausage, roast meat, and meat broth, among others.
In recent years, sherry cask whisky has become a leading trend in the whisky world. Its rich and full-bodied character, coupled with the skilled blending of distillers, showcases the deep fruit, chocolate, and woody tannins of European red oak in various expressions and layers. This characteristic also gives sherry cask whisky a wide range of food pairing possibilities, aligning with the common practice of enjoying whisky during dining occasions in Taiwan.
Although the Mortlach 16-year-old single malt whisky is a rare example of a pure sherry cask expression from the distillery, it fully embodies the richness and sweet fruitiness of sherry casks. The initial dark berry notes and aromas of ginger and dried tangerine peel are accompanied by a hint of earthiness. The chocolate-like sweetness and woody character of the sherry cask, along with the spicy flavors, lend depth to its personality. The warm sweetness imparted by the nutty and honey notes on the palate transitions the whisky from a restrained to a rounded character, creating a long and complex allure that strikes a delightful balance between liveliness and composure. Whether enjoyed with water or neat, paired with various gentle and elegant or rich and flavorful dishes, it achieves a beautiful dance on the dining table.
「肉感」(Meaty)的風味表現是什麼?威士忌專家查爾斯·麥克萊恩(Charles Maclean)將其描述為皮革、牛皮、烤豬肉、香腸、烤肉和肉湯等。
Mortlach's iconic 2.81 distillation process yields an exceptionally rare spirit. In the 1920s, even the distillery staff couldn't fully grasp its secrets. It wasn't until the 1990s, with the release of the limited-edition Flora & Fauna 16-year-old single malt whisky, that enthusiasts could finally experience its essence. The latest 16-year-old single malt, matured entirely in sherry casks, carries on the legacy of the F&F 16-year-old, with its distinctively rich and full-bodied character and warm finish. Whisky experts unanimously praise it as surpassing its predecessor.
On the nose, it is rich and complex, with berry notes accompanied by earthy and spicy aromas. The palate is full-bodied and substantial, with a leathery spiciness, hints of almonds, and a touch of honey. It is delightfully sweet, with deep, rich, and rounded flavors.
Although Mortlach was the first legal distillery in Dufftown, the heart of Scotland's whisky region, its unique and complex 2.81 distillation process resulted in extremely limited production. It wasn't until the 1990s, with the release of the limited-edition "Flora & Fauna" Mortlach 16-year-old, that whisky lovers could finally appreciate its true character. Today's Mortlach 16-year-old single malt whisky once again carries on this legendary legacy, with its perfect sherry cask expression, crafted through time. It dances across the table with the rich purity of foie gras and top-quality duck, creating an unparalleled East-meets-West flavor experience.
What is the "meaty" flavor profile? Whisky expert Charles Maclean describes it as leather, cowhide, cooked pork, sausage, roast meat, and meat broth, among others.
In recent years, sherry cask whisky has become a leading trend in the whisky world. Its rich and full-bodied character, coupled with the skilled blending of distillers, showcases the deep fruit, chocolate, and woody tannins of European red oak in various expressions and layers. This characteristic also gives sherry cask whisky a wide range of food pairing possibilities, aligning with the common practice of enjoying whisky during dining occasions in Taiwan.
Although the Mortlach 16-year-old single malt whisky is a rare example of a pure sherry cask expression from the distillery, it fully embodies the richness and sweet fruitiness of sherry casks. The initial dark berry notes and aromas of ginger and dried tangerine peel are accompanied by a hint of earthiness. The chocolate-like sweetness and woody character of the sherry cask, along with the spicy flavors, lend depth to its personality. The warm sweetness imparted by the nutty and honey notes on the palate transitions the whisky from a restrained to a rounded character, creating a long and complex allure that strikes a delightful balance between liveliness and composure. Whether enjoyed with water or neat, paired with various gentle and elegant or rich and flavorful dishes, it achieves a beautiful dance on the dining table.

Dominant Flavour:

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