Martell X.O. (With Cordon Bleu Mini)
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Cognac, France
Martell XO展現了Maison Martell大膽的精神,其大膽的設計和濃烈的口味令人印象深刻。Martell XO是該酒莊對著名的大香檳區域的詮釋,它將大香檳的力量和強度與稀有的邊地區(Borderies)的優雅平衡結合,後者已是Maison Martell超過300年的標誌。 色澤呈金黃琥珀色,帶有深銅色和紅木色的亮點。 香氣中有尖銳、辛辣的感覺,包含黑胡椒、粉紅胡椒和香菜的香氣,並融合了豐富的無花果、核桃和檀香的香氣。 口味方面,濃郁的無花果、紅色水果和黑加侖芽的味道充分展現了大香檳區域生命之水的力量和細膩,導入了非常長久且強烈的尾韻。 Martell XO以其濃烈的口味和大膽、現代的設計見稱,辨識度極高。這款干邑是大香檳和邊地區生命之水的尊貴混合,具有大膽和富有魅力的個性,這在其瓶身醒目的拱形設計中得以體現。
Martell is a Cognac house founded in 1715 by Jean Martell (1694-1753). It is part of the Martell Mumm Perrier-Jouët subsidiary of the French wines and spirits congolmerate Pernod Ricard.In 1715, Jean Martell, a young merchant originally from Jersey, created his own trading business at Gatebourse in Cognac,[1] on the banks of the Charente, and thus founded one of the very first cognac houses. Martell used grapes from the vineyards in the Borderie subregion, and used Tronçais oak for its casks, this made a combination that resulted in an exceptionally smooth cognac.[1] After his death in 1753, his widow and then his two sons and grandson continued this tradition and developed the export business to make Martell the number one in England in 1814. In 1831, Martell created his first "VSOP" (Very Superior Old Pale) cognac and continued its international expansion. Its fame spread throughout the world, with the first exports to Japan and other Asian markets, such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Korea.[citation needed] Cordon Bleu, created in 1912, is certainly the company’s most famous product.[1] Martell was served aboard the Queen Mary in 1936 and even on Concorde in 1977.[citation needed] In 1987, Seagram took control of the French manufacturer for $1.2 billion.[citation needed] Since the acquisition of some of the Seagram Group’s spirits in 2001, Martell has belonged to the French spirits group, Pernod Ricard. In the 2000s, Martell created new cognacs: "Martell XO" in 2005, "Martell Création Grand Extra" in 2007, in a bottle designed by the artist and glass designer Serge Mansau. In 2009, Martell cognac launched its signature cognac, "L'Or de Jean Martell". In 2011, Martell expanded its "ultra-prestige" range with an exceptional cognac, "Martell Chanteloup Perspective", a tribute to the know-how of the cellar masters and to the Domaine de Chanteloup. In 2006, Martell joined the Comité Colbert, an association that promotes French luxury houses on an international scale. In 2010, Martell renewed its sponsorship with the Palace of Versailles, which began in 2007, by supporting the restoration of the Queen’s antechamber. In 2012, Martell Cordon Bleu, which was launched by Edouard Martell in 1912 at the Hotel de Paris in Monaco, celebrated its 100th birthday in the same place.
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