Drappier Rose de Saignee Brut
Wine Type:
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100% Pinot Noir
Region, Subregion, Country:
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Champagne, France
Alcohol Level:
Drappier Rose de Saignee Brut 香檳體現了 Drappier 家族八代人對 Pinot Noir 這一歷史悠久的葡萄品種的悉心呵護。經過短暫的浸皮,這款香檳呈現出充滿活力的粉紅色調和芳香的果味特徵。

這款香檳由 100% 的 Pinot Noir 葡萄釀造而成。葡萄生長在侏羅紀 Kimmeridgian 石灰岩土壤中,酒莊採用可持續發展和有機種植的理念。這是一款 Saignée 式玫瑰香檳,經過兩天的浸皮。釀造過程使用機械低壓榨汁機,僅選用第一次壓榨的葡萄汁,採用重力澄清、自然沉澱和乳酸發酵,不經過濾。5% 的葡萄酒在大橡木桶中陳年,亞硫酸鹽添加量非常低。酒泥陳年時間為 30 個月,最終的甜度為每升 6 克。

Drappier Rose de Saignee Brut 結構非常好,展現出紅色水果的典範純淨。香氣撲鼻而來,口感與之相得益彰。它的質地慷慨飽滿,帶有絲綢般的口感和輕盈的香料味,得益於尾韻中美妙的清新感,與核果的風味達成完美平衡。

這款香檳是理想的開胃酒選擇,也非常適合搭配開胃小菜、紙包三文魚、烤粉紅羊肉、草莓沙拉等。建議在 7°C 的溫度下享用。

The Drappier Rose de Saignee Brut champagne embodies eight generations of the Drappier family's heritage in caring for their historic grape variety, Pinot Noir. After a gentle maceration, this champagne offers vibrant pink nuances and an aromatic fruity profile.

This champagne is made from 100% Pinot Noir grapes grown in Jurassic Kimmeridgian limestone soil, with the house adopting a sustainable and organic ethos. It is a Saignée style rosé, undergoing a two-day maceration. The vinification process employs mechanical low-pressure presses, using only the first press, gravity clarification, natural settling, and malolactic fermentation without filtration. 5% of the wines are aged in large oak barrels (foudres) with very low sulphite additions. The champagne is aged on the lees for 30 months, with a final dosage of 6 grams per liter.

The Drappier Rose de Saignee Brut boasts an excellent structure and exemplary purity of red fruits. The nose is striking, offering similar sensations on the palate. It is generous and satiny, with light spice and a perfect balance of stone fruit flavors, thanks to the lovely freshness in the finish.

This champagne is an ideal choice as an aperitif and pairs perfectly with antipasti, salmon en papillote, grilled pink lamb, strawberry salad, and more. It is recommended to serve at 7°C.
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