Drappier Millesime Exception
Wine Type:
wine grape image
Pinot Noir,  Chardonnay
Region, Subregion, Country:
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Champagne, France
Alcohol Level:
Drappier Millesime Exception 2018 香檳旨在將一年四季的風韻濃縮於杯中。這款香檳背後是一個非凡、卓越年份的氣候特徵,風土因素退居其次,四季更迭成為了主角。

這款香檳由 66% 的 Pinot Noir 和 34% 的 Chardonnay 葡萄混釀而成。葡萄生長在侏羅紀 Kimmeridgian 石灰岩土壤中,採用可持續發展和有機種植的方法。釀造過程使用機械低壓榨汁機,僅選用第一次壓榨的葡萄汁,採用重力澄清、自然沉澱和乳酸發酵,不經過濾,亞硫酸鹽添加量非常低。裝瓶前,100% 的葡萄酒在橡木桶中陳年,酒泥陳年時間長達 4 年之久,最終的甜度為每升 5.5 克。

這款香檳的香氣非常複雜豐富,揭示出柑橘、麵包、堅果和杏仁的氣息。香草味道彰顯了 Chardonnay 葡萄的高比例,而 Pinot Noir 葡萄的深度則體現在紅色水果、黑加侖和葡萄酒芳香上。

建議在 7°C 的溫度下享用 Drappier Millesime Exception 2018。它是完美的開胃酒選擇,也非常適合搭配傳統的小牛肉、意大利燴飯或烤多佛鰨魚。

The Drappier Millesime Exception 2018 champagne aims to capture the essence of the four seasons in a single year, distilled into a glass. Behind this cuvée lies the climate of a remarkable, exceptional year, with the terroir taking a backseat to the changing seasons.

This champagne is a blend of 66% Pinot Noir and 34% Chardonnay grapes grown in Jurassic Kimmeridgian limestone soil, using sustainable and organic methods. The vinification process employs mechanical low-pressure presses, using only the first press, gravity clarification, natural settling, and malolactic fermentation without filtration. Sulphite additions are kept very low. Before bottling, 100% of the wine is matured in oak barrels, and the champagne is aged on the lees for an impressive 4 years. The final dosage is 5.5 grams per liter.

On the nose, this champagne reveals a highly complex and rich bouquet, hinting at citrus fruits, bread, nuts, and almonds. A touch of vanilla showcases the high proportion of Chardonnay, while the depth of Pinot Noir expresses itself through red fruits, blackcurrant, and vinous aromas.

It is recommended to serve Drappier Millesime Exception 2018 at 7°C. It is a perfect choice for an aperitif or to accompany traditional dishes such as blanquette de veau, risotto, or grilled Dover sole.
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