Drappier Cuvée Charles de Gaulle Brut
Wine Type:
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80% Pinot Noir,  20% Chardonnay
Region, Subregion, Country:
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Champagne, France
Alcohol Level:
Drappier Cuvée Charles de Gaulle Brut 香檳是對法國歷史上的標誌性人物戴高樂將軍的致敬。這位偉人曾是 Drappier 酒莊的忠實客戶,他的鄉間別墅就位於酒莊附近的 Colombey les Deux Eglises。我們以這款彰顯力量、個性和優雅的香檳向這位偉人致敬。

這款香檳由 80% 的 Pinot Noir 和 20% 的 Chardonnay 葡萄混釀而成。葡萄生長在侏羅紀 Kimmeridgian 石灰岩土壤中,酒莊秉持可持續發展和真實原味的理念。釀造過程使用機械低壓榨汁機,僅選用第一次壓榨的葡萄汁,採用重力澄清、自然沉澱和乳酸發酵,不經過濾和脫色,亞硫酸鹽添加量非常低。部分葡萄酒在橡木桶中陳年,酒泥陳年時間為 36 個月,最終的甜度為每升 6.5 克。

品嚐這款香檳,可以感受到柑橘、蘋果、杏仁或肉豆蔻的細膩香氣。當它進入口中,Charles de Gaulle 香檳展現出非凡的複雜性,帶有輕盈的氣泡和淡淡的蜜餞風味。

Drappier Cuvée Charles de Gaulle Brut 是理想的開胃酒選擇。它也非常適合搭配鵝肝醬填餡的野雞、幾內亞雞絲混合沙拉、Brie de Meaux 奶酪等。建議在 8°C 的溫度下享用。

The Drappier Cuvée Charles de Gaulle Brut champagne pays homage to General Charles de Gaulle, an emblematic figure in French history. This great man was a loyal customer of Maison Drappier, as his country house was located nearby in Colombey les Deux Eglises. We pay tribute to this remarkable individual with a cuvée that reveals itself in power, character, and elegance.

This champagne is a blend of 80% Pinot Noir and 20% Chardonnay grapes grown in Jurassic Kimmeridgian limestone soil. The house embraces a sustainable and authentic ethos in its viticulture and winemaking practices. The vinification process employs mechanical low-pressure presses, using only the first press, gravity clarification, natural settling, and malolactic fermentation without filtration or discoloration. Sulphite additions are kept very low. A portion of the wine is aged in oak barrels, and the champagne is aged on the lees for 36 months. The final dosage is 6.5 grams per liter.

When tasting this champagne, one can discern delicate notes of citrus fruits, apple, almond, or perhaps nutmeg. On the palate, the Charles de Gaulle Cuvée exhibits remarkable complexity, with a light, airy mousse and subtle candied notes.

Drappier Cuvée Charles de Gaulle Brut is an ideal choice as an aperitif. It also pairs excellently with pheasant stuffed with foie gras, mixed green salad with strips of guinea fowl, and Brie de Meaux cheese. It is recommended to serve at 8°C.
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