Drappier Brut Nature Zero Dosage
Wine Type:
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100% Pinot Noir
Region, Subregion, Country:
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Champagne, France
Alcohol Level:
在 Côte des Bar 產區的中心 Urville,Pinot Noir 葡萄找到了它完美的家園。Michel Drappier 創造了這款 "Nature" 版本的 Blanc de Noirs 香檳,完美詮釋了這個葡萄品種的精髓。這款香檳的風格慷慨大方,卻又富有礦物感。

Drappier Brut Nature 呈現金色並帶有銅色調,散發出新鮮壓榨的黑葡萄、紅色水果、白色水果和柑橘類水果的誘人芳香。入口豐富飽滿,帶有葡萄園桃子的多汁果肉和芳香草本植物的香氣,尾韻中則帶有一絲香料味。這是一款純淨無瑕、結構緊密的優雅香檳。

這款香檳由 100% 的 Pinot Noir 葡萄釀造而成,葡萄生長在侏羅紀 Kimmeridgian 石灰岩土壤中,採用可持續發展和有機種植的方式。釀造過程使用機械低壓榨汁機,僅選用第一次壓榨的葡萄汁。採用重力澄清、自然沉澱和乳酸發酵,不經過濾和脫色。亞硫酸鹽的添加量非常低,少於每升 35 毫克。酒泥陳年時間長達 36 個月之久。最終成品的甜度為零,完全不添加糖液。

Drappier Brut Nature 香檳是一款理想的開胃酒,也是搭配海鮮、生魚片甚至軟質山羊奶酪的完美選擇。建議在 7ºC 的溫度下享用,以品嚐它最佳的風味。

In Urville, at the heart of the Côte des Bar region, Pinot Noir grapes have found their perfect home. Michel Drappier created this "Nature" version of Blanc de Noirs champagne, which perfectly embodies the essence of this grape variety. The style of this champagne is generous yet mineral-driven.

The Drappier Brut Nature displays a golden color with copper hues and exudes enticing aromas of freshly pressed black grapes, red fruits, white fruits, and citrus fruits. On the palate, it is rich and full-bodied, with flavors of juicy vineyard peach flesh and aromatic herbs, followed by a hint of spice in the finish. This is an elegant, tightly-knit champagne of great purity.

This champagne is crafted from 100% Pinot Noir grapes grown in Jurassic Kimmeridgian limestone soil, using sustainable and organic farming practices. The vinification process employs mechanical low-pressure presses, and only the first press is selected. The champagne undergoes gravity clarification, natural settling, and malolactic fermentation without filtration or discoloration. The sulphite addition is very low, less than 35 milligrams per liter. The wine is aged on the lees for an extended period of 36 months. The final product has zero dosage, with no sugar added.

The Drappier Brut Nature champagne is an ideal aperitif and a perfect accompaniment for seafood, sashimi, or even soft goat cheese. It is best enjoyed at a temperature of 7ºC to experience its optimal flavors.
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