DILLON Rum A.O.C Martinique 55°
wine grape image
wine grape image
Dillon Rhum Blanc 55 見證了馬提尼克島農業蘭姆酒傳統的悠久歷史和卓越工藝。這款無年份白蘭姆酒誕生於著名的 Dillon 種植園,該種植園自 1690 年起就在法蘭西堡種植甘蔗,捕捉了這座島嶼獨特風土的精髓。

Dillon Rhum Blanc 55 的生產嚴格遵循馬提尼克 AOC(原產地命名保護)標準,確保了最高的品質和真實性。這款朗姆酒由 10 種精心挑選的甘蔗品種的純淨甘蔗汁釀造而成,每一種都為最終的混合酒帶來了獨特的特質。

甘蔗汁在銅制蒸餾塔中經過精細的蒸餾過程,這些蒸餾塔自 1920 年起就成為 Dillon 傳奇的重要組成部分。蒸餾酒以 65% ABV 的高度出現,保留了甘蔗的原始、鮮活風味。然後,朗姆酒靜置 5 週,在此期間逐漸降至 55% ABV 的裝瓶濃度,不添加任何添加劑或人工增強劑。

在氣味上,Dillon Rhum Blanc 55 呈現出迷人的混合香氣,包括鹹味和水果香氣。煮玉米棒、芒果汁、粉紅胡椒和青檸檬皮與新鮮甘蔗汁、綠茶和青橄欖的氣息交織在一起。農業蘭姆酒的特質熠熠生輝,伴隨著杜松葉和未成熟香蕉的氣息。


雖然 Dillon Rhum Blanc 55 可能不是最複雜的蘭姆酒,但它是農業風格的典型代表,完全呈現了人們對高品質馬提尼克朗姆酒的期望。其強勁的酒體使其成為調製經典雞尾酒的理想選擇,其大膽的風味可以在其中大放異彩。

Dillon Rhum Blanc 55 是馬提尼克豐富農業遺產和釀酒師技藝的頌歌。它邀請朗姆酒愛好者探索純淨甘蔗汁的鮮活、未經矯飾的風味,並欣賞每一瓶這款正宗加勒比烈酒所蘊含的奉獻精神和匠心工藝。

Dillon Rhum Blanc 55 is a testament to the rich history and exceptional craftsmanship of Martinique's agricole rhum tradition. Born from the renowned Dillon Plantation, which has been cultivating sugar cane in Fort de France since 1690, this unaged white rhum captures the essence of the island's unique terroir.

The production of Dillon Rhum Blanc 55 adheres strictly to the Martinique AOC (Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée), ensuring the highest standards of quality and authenticity. The rhum is crafted from the pure juice of 10 carefully selected sugar cane varieties, each contributing its own distinct character to the final blend.

The cane juice undergoes a meticulous distillation process in copper column stills, which have been an integral part of Dillon's legacy since 1920. The distillate emerges at a robust 65% ABV, preserving the raw, vibrant flavors of the sugar cane. The rhum is then allowed to rest for a period of 5 weeks, during which it is gradually reduced to its bottling strength of 55% ABV, without any additives or artificial enhancements.

On the nose, Dillon Rhum Blanc 55 presents a captivating array of savory and fruity aromas. Boiled corn on the cob, mango juice, pink pepper, and lime zest intertwine with the unmistakable scent of fresh cane juice, green tea, and green olives. The agricole character shines through, accompanied by hints of juniper leaves and unripe bananas.

As the rhum hits the palate, its high alcohol content makes a bold statement. Flavors of green chili, boiled corn, unripe plums, and grassy notes dominate the initial sensation. The complexity deepens with notes of juniper leaf tea, grapefruit zest, coriander, agave syrup, green apples, and a subtle touch of almond. The finish is long and persistent, showcasing the pure essence of cane juice and vegetal notes.

While Dillon Rhum Blanc 55 may not be the most complex of rums, it is a quintessential expression of the agricole style, delivering exactly what one would expect from a high-quality Martinique rhum. Its robust strength makes it an ideal choice for crafting classic cocktails like the Ti' Punch or an agricole Paloma, where its bold flavors can shine through.

Dillon Rhum Blanc 55 is a celebration of Martinique's rich agricultural heritage and the skill of its distillers. It invites rum enthusiasts to explore the vibrant, unadulterated flavors of pure cane juice, and to appreciate the dedication and craftsmanship that goes into every bottle of this authentic Caribbean spirit.