DEPAZ Rhum Cuvee de la Montagne



Depaz Cuvée de la Montagne: 火山風土與匠心蒸餾的交響樂
坐落在雄偉的佩萊山腳下,Depaz Cuvée de la Montagne是Depaz蒸餾廠獨特專業知識的見證。這款卓越的白蘭姆酒完全採用純正的甘蔗汁釀造,甘蔗精心採摘自佩萊山山坡上肥沃的火山土壤。
在氣味上,Depaz Cuvée de la Montagne展現出迷人的果香和花香,交織著火山岩賦予甘蔗的獨特礦物質感。當它滑過味蕾時,蘭姆酒最初呈現出細緻的輕盈,然後逐漸演變為柔和、甜美的果味交響曲,伴隨著優雅的花香底蘊。這趟味蕾之旅繼續帶來甘蔗、橙花和香蕉的和諧交融,並點綴以胡椒和煙草的辛辣韻味。
這款白蘭姆酒是一位多才多藝、迷人的夥伴,無論是直接品嚐、作為經典Punch類的基酒,還是作為風味豐富雞尾酒的基礎,都同樣令人愉悅。擁抱Depaz Cuvée de la Montagne的濃郁芳香和火山精髓,踏上一段感官冒險之旅,向佩萊山的壯麗風土致敬。
Depaz Cuvée de la Montagne: A Symphony of Volcanic Terroir and Masterful Distillation
Nestled at the foot of the majestic Mount Pelée, Depaz Cuvée de la Montagne is a testament to the unique expertise of the Depaz distillery. This exceptional white rum is crafted exclusively from the pure juice of sugar cane, meticulously harvested from the fertile volcanic soils that blanket the mountain's slopes.
The creation of this exquisite rum is a labor of love and patience. The cane juice undergoes a lengthy fermentation process, followed by a meticulous, slow reduction in fractions that spans at least 60 days. This unhurried approach allows the spirit to develop its signature complexity and depth of flavor. The rum then rests for a minimum of three months in inox tanks, allowing it to settle and harmonize before bottling.
On the nose, Depaz Cuvée de la Montagne unveils a captivating bouquet of fruity and floral notes, intertwined with a distinctive mineral touch imparted by the volcanic rock that nourishes the sugar cane. As it graces the palate, the rum initially presents a delicate lightness, which gradually gives way to a symphony of soft, sweet fruit flavors, accompanied by an elegant floral undertone. The journey continues with a harmonious blend of sugar cane, orange blossom, and banana notes, punctuated by spicy hints of pepper and tobacco.
This white rum is a versatile and enchanting companion, equally delightful when savored straight, as the star of a classic Ti' Punch, or as the foundation of a fully flavored cocktail. Embrace the rich aromas and volcanic essence of Depaz Cuvée de la Montagne, and embark on a sensory adventure that pays homage to the magnificent terroir of Mount Pelée.
坐落在雄偉的佩萊山腳下,Depaz Cuvée de la Montagne是Depaz蒸餾廠獨特專業知識的見證。這款卓越的白蘭姆酒完全採用純正的甘蔗汁釀造,甘蔗精心採摘自佩萊山山坡上肥沃的火山土壤。
在氣味上,Depaz Cuvée de la Montagne展現出迷人的果香和花香,交織著火山岩賦予甘蔗的獨特礦物質感。當它滑過味蕾時,蘭姆酒最初呈現出細緻的輕盈,然後逐漸演變為柔和、甜美的果味交響曲,伴隨著優雅的花香底蘊。這趟味蕾之旅繼續帶來甘蔗、橙花和香蕉的和諧交融,並點綴以胡椒和煙草的辛辣韻味。
這款白蘭姆酒是一位多才多藝、迷人的夥伴,無論是直接品嚐、作為經典Punch類的基酒,還是作為風味豐富雞尾酒的基礎,都同樣令人愉悅。擁抱Depaz Cuvée de la Montagne的濃郁芳香和火山精髓,踏上一段感官冒險之旅,向佩萊山的壯麗風土致敬。
Depaz Cuvée de la Montagne: A Symphony of Volcanic Terroir and Masterful Distillation
Nestled at the foot of the majestic Mount Pelée, Depaz Cuvée de la Montagne is a testament to the unique expertise of the Depaz distillery. This exceptional white rum is crafted exclusively from the pure juice of sugar cane, meticulously harvested from the fertile volcanic soils that blanket the mountain's slopes.
The creation of this exquisite rum is a labor of love and patience. The cane juice undergoes a lengthy fermentation process, followed by a meticulous, slow reduction in fractions that spans at least 60 days. This unhurried approach allows the spirit to develop its signature complexity and depth of flavor. The rum then rests for a minimum of three months in inox tanks, allowing it to settle and harmonize before bottling.
On the nose, Depaz Cuvée de la Montagne unveils a captivating bouquet of fruity and floral notes, intertwined with a distinctive mineral touch imparted by the volcanic rock that nourishes the sugar cane. As it graces the palate, the rum initially presents a delicate lightness, which gradually gives way to a symphony of soft, sweet fruit flavors, accompanied by an elegant floral undertone. The journey continues with a harmonious blend of sugar cane, orange blossom, and banana notes, punctuated by spicy hints of pepper and tobacco.
This white rum is a versatile and enchanting companion, equally delightful when savored straight, as the star of a classic Ti' Punch, or as the foundation of a fully flavored cocktail. Embrace the rich aromas and volcanic essence of Depaz Cuvée de la Montagne, and embark on a sensory adventure that pays homage to the magnificent terroir of Mount Pelée.
Rhum Depaz 是一個享有盛譽的馬提尼克蘭姆酒品牌,其悠久的歷史可以追溯到1651年,當時島上的第一任總督 Jacques Duparquet 建立了 La Montagne 宅邸。從那時起,Pelée 山區肥沃而危險的土壤就成為了 Depaz 非凡蘭姆酒的誕生地。 在其歷史中,包括 Depaz 家族在內的幾個家族在莊園上工作,擴大朗姆酒的生產,並為聖皮埃爾鎮的發展做出了貢獻。該鎮成為了世界上最大的蘭姆酒港口,蘭姆酒桶被運往歐洲,引起了人們對這種琥珀色液體的濃厚興趣。聖皮埃爾鎮迎來了它的全盛時期,被稱為 "小安的列斯群島的巴黎"。 然而,1902年5月8日,Pelée 火山爆發,聖皮埃爾鎮從地圖上被抹去,Victor Depaz 的全家人也在這場災難中喪生。孤身一人且破產的 Victor 起初決定移居加拿大,但在途經馬提尼克時,他對自己在聖皮埃爾出生的 Périnelle 住所產生了強烈的歸屬感。他明白自己的命運屬於這裡。 火山爆發15年後的1917年5月8日,Victor Depaz 在 Pelée 山腰上建立了新的釀酒廠,由他擁有的521公頃甘蔗園供應。他建造了一座家族住宅,是 Périnelle 住所的複製品,後來被稱為 Depaz 城堡。從1922年起,Victor 與妻子和11個孩子住在那裡,不斷改進以他的名字命名的蘭姆酒。 多年來,Depaz 蘭姆酒獲得了眾多享有盛譽的獎項,從1922年在馬賽贏得的第一枚獎牌,到1927年拉羅謝爾展覽會上的金獎。20世紀50年代,Victor 的兒子 André 和 Raoul Depaz 接管了公司,使甘蔗生產現代化,並改進了現在被稱為 Depaz 釀酒廠的釀酒廠。 今天,Depaz 蘭姆酒繼續以最精湛的工藝製作,使用生長在 Pelée 山獨特火山土壤中的最優質甘蔗、最純淨的泉水和傳統的生產方法。其結果是一系列卓越的蘭姆酒,展現了馬提尼克風土的精髓和 Depaz 家族的熱情,他們致力於釀造最優質的蘭姆酒已有一個多世紀。