Champagne Waris et Filles La Cardinale
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Champagne, France
Champagne Waris et Filles La Cardinale是充滿熱情的釀酒師們的手工專業知識和堅定奉獻的結晶。這款卓越的香檳經過精細而漸進的氣動壓榨,然後進行獨特的發酵過程。百分之三十的酒在木桶中發酵七個月,其餘部分在不銹鋼罐中發酵。神奇的過程在酒莊標誌性的白堊地窖中繼續,香檳在瓶中進行二次發酵,耐心陳釀五年之久。

La Cardinale擁有迷人的金黃色,預示著豐富而複雜的感官體驗即將到來。在鼻息中,香檳散發出強勁而豐富的芳香,讓人聯想到帶有微妙烤香草味的奶油布里歐麵包。芳香特性魅力十足,展現了每一瓶香檳背後精湛的工藝和對細節的關注。

在口感上,Champagne Waris et Filles La Cardinale展現出美麗的存在感,優雅的氣泡與完美的平衡。濃郁的味道是對水果的頌歌,以黃桃、杏干和烤榛子的迷人風味為特色。這款酒的結構和諧而圓潤,帶來奢華而滿足的體驗。

La Cardinale實現了非凡的平衡。不含山梨酸,確保了這款卓越香檳的純正性和真實性,讓風土和釀酒師的專業技藝的真正精髓得以展現。

Champagne Waris et Filles La Cardinale is a masterpiece born from the artisanal expertise and unwavering dedication of passionate winemakers. This exceptional cuvée undergoes a delicate and progressive pneumatic pressing, followed by a unique fermentation process. Thirty percent of the wine is fermented in wood barrels for seven months, while the remaining portion is fermented in stainless steel tanks. The magic continues with a second fermentation in the bottle, taking place in the house's iconic chalk cellars, where the champagne patiently ages for five years.

La Cardinale boasts a captivating golden yellow color, hinting at the rich and complex sensory experience that awaits. On the nose, the champagne exudes a powerful and rich aroma, reminiscent of a buttery brioche with subtle hints of toasted vanilla. The aromatic profile is enticing and inviting, showcasing the meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into every bottle.

On the palate, Champagne Waris et Filles La Cardinale displays a beautiful presence, with elegant bubbles and a perfect balance. The intense flavors are a celebration of fruit, featuring the gluttonous notes of yellow peach, dried apricot, and roasted hazelnut. The wine's structure is harmonious and well-rounded, offering a luxurious and satisfying experience.

La Cardinale achieves a remarkable equilibrium. The absence of sorbic acid ensures the purity and authenticity of this exceptional champagne, allowing the true essence of the terroir and the winemakers' expertise to shine through.
Over the generations, our estate has grown in tandem with the appellation and our own expertise. Nature has done her work well! It all began in Avize on the Côte des Blancs with our great-grandfather Vincent Waris, and then in the region of Coteaux du Sézannais and Aube.