Allan Scott Black Label Sauvignon Blanc
Wine Type:
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Sauvignon Blanc
Region, Subregion, Country:
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Marlborough, New Zealand
Alcohol Level:
Kekerengu位於布倫海姆以南70公里處,仍屬於馬爾堡地理標示產區。這片葡萄園緊鄰大海,擁有獨特的土壤結構和微氣候,與馬爾堡其他地區迥異,釀造出複雜而饒富趣味的葡萄酒。2022年的葡萄生長季節對許多馬爾堡葡萄園而言,是一個全新的 "新常態"。憑藉一支才華橫溢的釀酒團隊,首批葡萄的到來充滿了熱情與興奮。儘管整個季節都有穩定且時而非常大的降雨,良好的開花期讓他們運用了全部的葡萄栽培知識和技巧。保持領先的葡萄園管理計劃至關重要。幸運的是,他們能夠借鑒多年來在全國各地種植葡萄和釀酒的豐富經驗。透過對風土的精細了解和幾乎每日的果實評估,他們的葡萄得以充分發揮其潛力。您可以期待馬爾堡葡萄酒所擁有的每一絲您所喜愛的芳香和風味。



Kekerengu, located 70km south of Blenheim, is still part of the Marlborough Geographical Appellation. This vineyard, situated virtually next to the sea, boasts a unique soil structure and a microclimate like no other in Marlborough, producing complex and intriguing wines. The 2022 growing season presented a very "new" normal for many Marlborough vineyards. With a team of talented cellar hands secured, the first fruit was met with great enthusiasm and excitement. Despite steady and sometimes heavy rainfall throughout the season, a good flowering period allowed them to employ every bit of their viticulture knowledge and finesse. Staying ahead of their vineyard management program was crucial. Fortunately, they could draw upon years of collective experience in growing grapes and making wine across the country. Intricate terroir knowledge and almost daily fruit assessment ensured their grapes reached their full potential. One can expect every bit of the aroma and flavor they have grown to know and love from Marlborough.

The highly skilled and multinational team in the winery has produced another fantastic Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc. The grapes are machine-harvested and immediately pressed in the cool of the night. The juice is maintained at low temperatures to preserve the aromatics. Cleared juice is then fermented to dryness at cool temperatures with specifically selected yeasts. They then blend the pick of the tanks to create a wonderful, fresh expression for bottling.

Fresh, zesty, juicy, and full, the 2022 wine showcases ripe tropical fruit aromas, a flinty palate, and finishes with mouthwatering, crisp, sea salt-like herbaceousness. Unfiltered and unfined, some beneficial sediment may remain. It is best enjoyed chilled on its own or with the last of the summer produce.
Allan Scott
Critics Score:
93 Wine Spectator