新冠狀病毒影響全球每⼀個⼈,當中南非受到的打擊尤其嚴重。南非政府對抗疫情措施之⼀是在國內「禁售酒精類飲品」。此禁令嚴重影響酒莊、其員⼯及所有相關⾏業。世界各地葡萄酒飲家紛紛響應南非酒莊呼籲,購買飲⽤更多南非葡萄酒, 提⾼他們銷量,從⽽維持業務,保障員⼯、農⺠及其家⼈的⽣計。
Covid-19 impacts everyone in the world but South Africa is particularly hard hit. Consequently the banning of domestic alcohol sale has severely affected wineries, employees, and all associated industries from F&B to logistics. Global wine lovers are responding to the industry’s appeal by buying more South African wines. The export sales will help them sustain the businesses, keep workers and farmers employed.
MyiCellar作為參與活動的香港葡萄酒商之一,當然會全力支持。由今日(8⽉16⽇)⾄10⽉底,每售出一瓶南非葡萄酒,我們將捐出港幣 10 元予南非當地兩個慈善機構Pebbles Project 及Anna Foundation,主要協助南非⻄開普省農業社區的弱勢兒童和家庭。同時,所有南非葡萄酒即時起9折出售,以鼓勵更多捐款。
From now to the end of October, as one of the participants of the fundraising campaign, we would donate HK$10 per bottle of South African wine sold to Pebbles Project and Anna Foundation, the two charity organisations focus to enrich the lives of disadvantaged children and families in the agricultural communities of the Western Cape.