【世界權威酒評家】 Robert Parker RP90+ Collection
【Champagne Lallier: Excellence in Grand Cru Terroirs】
【Sea Change Wine: Pioneering Eco-Friendly Wines for Ocean Conservation】
Wine Spectator 第1名、連續3年100滿分? 盤點智利最好的超一流酒莊 Best Chilean Wines Collection
只懂布根地? 盤點全球佳的Pinot Noir產區
【Allan Scott家族酒莊的傳奇 - Discovering the Legacy of Allan Scott Family Winemakers】
【北馬其頓小國奮鬥 Tikves美酒嶄露頭角】
【歷任美國總統最愛的杯中物 President's Choice】
來自新疆的新晉酒莊 - 蒲昌 Puchang Vineyard
【Marchesi Antinori 改寫Tuscany歷史的巨擘】
【哈囉❗波特 - 十道問題秒懂⌚Port Wine】
【Malbec: Argentina's Purple Gold 阿根廷的紫色黃金】
【享譽世界的紐西蘭精品 - Cloudy Bay】
「漫」眾矚目 神徒必飲!神之水滴 Drops of God 推薦酒款總匯

New& Old World — Red/ white wines from France, Spain, Italy, Australian | Back vintage wines | Robert Parker 90 points + | The Wine Spectator Top100 ranking | Manga Drops of God Collection


Bordeaux Grand Cru Classe| Second labels | OWC, magnum & half-bottle | Special offer


The prestigious 1st growth Ch. Margaux, Ch. Lafite Rothschild, Ch. Mouton Rothschild, Ch. Latour, and Ch. Haut-Brion & others Bordeaux red & white


A guide to differentiate between those sub-regions of Bordeaux - Flavor characteristics, aging potential, grape varieties, etc.


Italy's top 5 red wines: Amarone | Barolo| Barbaresco| Brunello | Chianti


The most concentrated Amarone on earth; delicate and elegant Barolo and Barbaresco; the pinnacle of Sangiovese – Brunello; home to the cradle of super Tuscan, Italy's most classic wine region Chianti and more…


Legendary Spanish wine recommendations The Best Wineries of Spain


"King of Spanish Wine" Vega Sicilia; RP’s favourite - Pingus; “Lafite of Rioja" Muga; Vina Tondonia, La Rioja Alta, and more…


Australian Shiraz | Hall-of-fame from Langton's Classification


The latest release of the 7th edition of the Langton Classification includes three sub-grades of "Exceptional", "Outstanding" and "Excellent", including Rockford Basket Press Shiraz; Peter Lehmann Stonewell Shiraz; John Duval, Yarra Yering, Torbreck, Handpicked Collection Shiraz, Mollydooker, and more.


New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc High CP Value Buying Guide


Marlborough has long been synonymous with the term “New World Sauvignon Blanc”. Come to navigate the benchmark Cloudy Bay and more New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc wines we recommended.


Special Recommendation: [Wine Spectator] Annual Top 100 Wine List | Robert Parker RP90+ Collection | Drops of God recommends a collection of wines


Get a wine idea from Wine Spectator - the most frequently referenced wine review; or Robert Parker 90+ selection; or the famous bottles made appearance in the manga “Drops of Gods".

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