Champagne 101 AVIZE的優雅之道 小農‧老藤‧白中白
橡木經典傳承 香檳世界的守護神 Vins d’Aÿ「愛伊酒」Henri Giraud
Salon Champagne 的故鄉! 上天眷顧之香檳聖地 Le Mesnil-sur-Oger
【Embrace the Artisanal Elegance of Champagne Waris et Filles 源自家族傳承的手工優雅】
How to choose the best Champagne ? 香檳品牌 終極風格指南
【Champagne Drappier: Authentic Elegance, Sustainable Heritage 可持續的傳承】
【Grower Champagne 為什麼行家都愛小農香檳?】 人生必試的頂尖RM香檳莊推薦

Top 5 sparkling wines categories you must know – simple tips to pick your favorite


When it comes to sparkling wine, champagne from France must be the first idea in your mind. In fact, different countries and regions have their own sparkling wine specialty, and huge differences in style could be noticed amongst them.


Champagne is about royalty, nobility, and celebrity.


Champagne is no doubt one of its kind in the wine world – celebrations, parties, festivals, and all celebrating occasions, you can’t imagine the scene without the appearance of champagne. Around the world and along the history, countless celebrities, politicians, royalty were true fans of champagne.

Of the 100 Champagne Houses, there are 100 distinct styles. From yeasty vibe of Bollinger, to rich lively fleshy Gosset, Champagne House's "personality" can be the opposite.


The world's best-selling sparkling wine – Prosecco from Italy


Although champagne is famous, it often serves the demand of premium end of customers. Prosecco from the Veneto or Friuli appellations in northeastern Italy is the best alternative. Prosecco's fresh fruity, small white floral fragrance, and smooth acidity make it easy for the average person to toast at home.


The best alternative of champagne – Cava from Spain


The relatively soft acidity of Cava, plus its average halved-price of champagne, make it a perfect alternative and competitors of the premium sparkling wine. In fact, many cava have promising quality which are comparable to the top-tier champagnes.


Sweet sparkling wine with rose aroma: Asti from Italy


Asti and Moscato d'Asti are made from Moscato white grape. Both of them have a low alcohol content often exudes rich aromas of musk, lychee, rose etc. No wonder they are so popular amongst ladies.

Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.