16/F, Sugar+, 25-31 Sugar Street, Causeway Bay

「根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。」“Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”
活動介紹 Event information |
1️⃣ 荔枝蝦丸 的彈嫩,在 能古見 大吟釀 的馥郁果香中更顯鮮甜;
2️⃣ 蜆芥鲮魚球 的咸鮮,與 能古見 純米大吟釀 的醇厚米香交相輝映;
3️⃣ 芋茸香酥鴨 的酥香,在 能古見 荒走 純米吟釀 的清爽酸度中更顯層次;
4️⃣ 芥末魚柳 的辛辣,被 能古見 Bloom 純米吟釀 的柔和甘甜巧妙化解;
5️⃣ 鮮菠蘿咕嚕肉 的酸甜,與 能古見 ARATA 纯米大吟釀 的華麗香氣完美融合;
6️⃣ 蒜片牛柳粒 的濃郁,在 能古見 特別純米酒 的辛口勁道中更顯豪邁;
7️⃣ 啫啫褔花 的爽脆,與 能古見 山田錦 純米吟釀 的醇正口感相得益彰;
8️⃣ 櫻花蝦帶子炒飯 的鮮香,在 能古見 特別純米酒 的米香中更顯飽滿;
9️⃣最後,以 藍梅奶凍及馬卡龍 的甜蜜,搭配 能古見 ARATA 纯米大吟釀 的餘韻悠長,為這場盛宴畫上完美句點。
活動資料 Event Info |
🗓 時間 Time: 📅18 April 2025 (Fri) ⏰19:00 - 21:00
📍 地點 Venue:16/F, Sugar+, 25-31 Sugar Street, Causeway Bay
門票 Ticket |
🎟️ HK688/位
Event Absence and Refund Policy
If a refund request is received 48 hours or before prior to the event, an 15% administration fee will be charged, and remaining amount will be credited for your next purchase and valid for 6 months since event date.
If a refund request is received within 48 hours prior to the event or after the event, no refund will be eligible.
MyiCellar reserve the right of final decision in case of dispute.