Room 907, 9/F, Westlands Centre, 20 Westlands Road

「根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。」“Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”
活動介紹 Event information |
15年前一對退休夫婦帶住兩個女去到寧夏賀蘭山東麓開墾300畝嘅荒地,由零開始學習種葡萄樹、釀葡萄酒,大女負責銷售,二女負責釀酒,所有嘢都係一家人落手落腳做,產量非常少,但業內口碑非常高。風格有別同區以量產為目標嘅大酒莊,以表達所在地嘅風土為目的,算係賀蘭山中一股清流,葡萄酒上面嘅label都用咗附近嘅小動物,例如小蜜蜂代表有蜂蜜感嘅Chardonnay,貓貓代表溫柔嘅Syrah,啄木鳥就係存在感比較低嘅Petit Verdot。除咗葡萄酒以外果酒亦都非常出色,包括用pet-nat方法做嘅「那個蘋果」,同埋大賣嘅杏子甜酒。
活動資料 Event Info |
🗓 時間 Time: 📅 Apr 3 (Thu)⏰19:00 - 21:00
📍 地點 Venue:MyiCellar Showroom 907, 20 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay
🗣️ 講師 Speaker:Micky Lo DipWSET
🌐 語言 Language: 粵語 Cantonese
🍶酒單 Tasting List |
九月蘭山 Chardonnay 2020, unoaked
九月蘭山 Chardonnay 2022, oaked
九月蘭山 Syrah 2020
九月蘭山 Petit Verdot 2020
九月蘭山 Marselan 2021
九月蘭山 Orange wine 2023
九月蘭山 Apricot wine 2023
九月蘭山 Apple cider 2023
門票 Ticket |
🎟️ HK $320
(包含 HK$100 指定活動酒款消費回贈)
(with HK$100 redemption on in-event purchase)
🍽️ 將有伴酒小食供應 Light snack will be served
🪑 座位 Seating: 14
Event Absence and Refund Policy
If a refund request is received 48 hours or before prior to the event, an 15% administration fee will be charged, and remaining amount will be credited for your next purchase and valid for 6 months since event date.
If a refund request is received within 48 hours prior to the event or after the event, no refund will be eligible.
MyiCellar reserve the right of final decision in case of dispute.