Woodsoak Woodsoak Blanc de Noirs
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100% Pinot Noir
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South Australia
Woodsoak Blanc de Noirs Sparkling 2017 是一款迷人的氣泡白酒,採用傳統的 Méthode Traditionnelle 工藝精心釀造。精選來自 Limestone Coast 的 Woodsoak 葡萄園的黑皮諾葡萄,經過仔細挑選和混合,然後進行 23 個月的二次發酵陳釀,最後除渣並添加甜酒而成。

這款優雅的葡萄酒呈現淡金色澤,並帶有新鮮的果香,在口中跳躍。其屢獲殊榮的地位使其成為慶祝特殊場合或簡單放鬆欣賞生活美好的完美伴侶。Blanc de Noirs 是開始美餐或以清新的氣泡酒淨化味蕾的理想選擇。


Woodsoak Blanc de Noirs Sparkling 2017 與任何美食搭配都極為出色,也可以作為開胃酒單獨品嚐。其活躍的酸度、乾爽利落的特點以及隱約的粉質感都有助於營造一種美妙的體驗。這款迷人的氣泡酒,擁有細膩的氣泡,展現出甜梨、酸蘋果和橙皮的芳香,交織著一絲鹹鹹的海洋氣息。

Woodsoak Blanc de Noirs Sparkling 2017 is a captivating sparkling white wine crafted using the traditional Méthode Traditionnelle process. Hand-selected Pinot Noir grapes from the Woodsoak Vineyard on the Limestone Coast are meticulously picked and blended, followed by 23 months of tirage aging before disgorgement and liqueur addition.

This elegant wine showcases a pale golden hue and fresh, fruity flavors that dance on the palate. Its award-winning status makes it the perfect companion for celebrating special occasions or simply relaxing and appreciating life's beauty. The Blanc de Noirs is an ideal choice to commence a delightful meal or to cleanse the palate with a refreshing glass of bubbles.

The pale straw color with a hint of Indian gold invites the senses, while the autolysis process imparts a creamy mouthfeel accompanied by bread-like and floral aromas. On the palate, the wine is gracefully balanced with natural acidity, presenting flavors of toasty brioche supported by ample fruit notes. The rich and creamy texture is complemented by a slightly sweet finish, making this sparkling wine alluring and delicious.

Woodsoak Blanc de Noirs Sparkling 2017 pairs exceptionally well with any fine food or can be savored as an aperitif. Its lively acidity, dry and crisp character, and subtle chalky notes contribute to a savory experience. This gorgeous sparkling wine, with its fine bead, exhibits sweet pear, tart apple, and orange zest aromas, intertwined with a hint of briny ocean spray.
Woodsoak, is located between Robe & Beachport within the picturesque coastal Robe Wine Region. The property has been in the Legoe family for 70 years as a cattle & sheep enterprise. In 1998, Will and Sonia planted a 55 acre vineyard and in 2010, we launched our Woodsoak Wines label, our 4th child! Our boutique business is based on family traditions and we have named 3 of our ten wines after our children, Vijay Cabernet Sauvignon, Raj Shiraz and Rani Rose. We then ran out of children and had to come up with other names!! Our wine range includes: Zaahira Sparkling, Santi Sauvignon Blanc, Mayur Chardonnay, Rani Rose, Pyaar Pinot Noir, Leelah Merlot, Raj Shiraz, Vijay Cabernet Sauvignon, Methode Traditionnelle Blanc de Noirs and Methode Traditionnelle Sparkling Shiraz. Our emblem, the peacock is the revered national bird of India. 18 months ago, we enthusiastically renovated an historic house in the heart of the Main Street of Robe & have now converted it into a quirky outdoor Woodsoak Wine Room. We wheel out our antique Indian bar & offer free wine tastings, glasses/bottles of wine and our signature samosa plate. We absolutely love meeting our customer from all over the world and sharing our wine, our story and our experiences! We’re always up for a chat!!