Terio Le Uve La Rita Rose Brut Millesimato
Wine Type:
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Cabernet Franc,  Merlot,  Refosco,  Carménère
Region, Subregion, Country:
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Veneto, Italy
Color: Elegant wine, with a soft pink color with "makeup powder" shades. Shining and bright with his fine and gentle bubble. Flavour: Floreal, with notes of peach and rose petals. Taste: Soft, fresh, well balanced with a fine and delicate bubble.
Tèrio Le-Uve is situated on the fertile banks of the River Piave, where viticulture has been part of the area for centuries. The name comes from our own estate which is land owned by the Pavan family in the town of Breda di Piave where, in the late 90’s, oenologist Luciano Pavan planted their first vine. Almost a century ago, in the early 1900s, this agricultural land was cultivated and managed by a farmer who went by the nickname “Tèrio”, which he bestowed upon the land. Pavan Lucianos love for the land and passion for wine and its culture was instilled in him by his father, Gino, who since the first post-war period, focused on his life on the cultivation of the vines in this area. Luciano completed his studies at the winemaking school of Conegliano in the early 70s, thus bringing more than 40 years of experience in the wine industry to this land, where he originally decided to transform the fruits of his vineyards. Today, Luciano remains devoted to winemaking and along with his son, Alberto, they continue to grow grapes with passion and dedication.
Fresh & Floral
Dominant Flavour:
Tropical Fruit
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