Vigneti Cenci Franciacorta La Via Della Seta Cuvee Saten DOCG
Wine Type:
Pinot Blanc
Region, Subregion, Country:
Lombardy, Italy
Franciacorta DOCG
Alcohol Level:
這款精緻的 Franciacorta Satèn 由 90% 的 Chardonnay 和 10% 的 Pinot Bianco 巧妙調配而成,其優雅而複雜的氣泡令人著迷。酒的亮麗金色中帶有微妙的淺色透明效果,逐漸過渡到細緻的稻草黃色調。
當這款 Satèn 滑過味蕾時,其美妙的柔和與含蓄的特質躍然而出,卻又蘊含令人印象深刻的存在感。果香在酸度與一絲甜味之間達到了精妙的平衡,締造出一場優雅而精心編排的風味交響樂,在整個品鑑過程中始終如一地令人愉悅。
這款卓越葡萄酒的葡萄源自位於 Franciacorta Cologne 鎮附近 Monte Orfano 山坡上精心護理的葡萄園。西南向的山坡和古老的碎石土壤為 Chardonnay 和 Pinot Bianco 葡萄藤提供了理想的生長環境,這些葡萄藤採用 Sylvoz 和 Guyot 系統培植。
採收的葡萄經過溫和壓榨,然後在恆溫環境下發酵,之後在瓶中進行二次發酵。葡萄酒在酒糟上陳釀至少 30 個月,使風味和香氣得以發展和諧。
為確保最佳的保存狀態,請將這款 Franciacorta Satèn 存放在避光、乾燥的地方,控制溫度在 20°C 以下。細細品味每一瓶 Vigneti Cenci Franciacorta La Via Della Seta Cuvee Saten 所蘊含的匠心和奉獻精神,這無疑是這個備受推崇的義大利葡萄酒產區釀酒實力的真實見證。
Crafted from a harmonious blend of 90% Chardonnay and 10% Pinot Bianco, this exquisite Franciacorta Satèn captivates with its graceful and sophisticated perlage. The wine's bright, shining gold color is adorned with subtle, lighter transparent effects that shift towards a delicate straw-yellow hue.
On the nose, a fresh and delicate bouquet unfolds, revealing distinctive floral sensations reminiscent of wild, country blooms in shades of white and yellow. These enchanting aromas give way to firm, compact notes of apricot and nectarine, complemented by a pleasing hint of nettles.
As this Satèn graces the palate, its deliciously subtle and discreet character shines through, yet with an impressive presence. Hints of fruit strike an exquisite balance between acidity and a touch of sweetness, creating a classy and well-orchestrated symphony of flavors that remains pleasingly consistent throughout the tasting experience.
The grapes for this exceptional wine are sourced from a meticulously tended vineyard located on the slope of Monte Orfano in Franciacorta, near the town of Cologne. The south-west exposure and ancient banked colluvial soil on a rocky substrate of conglomerate gravel provide the ideal terroir for the Chardonnay and Pinot Bianco vines, trained using the Sylvoz and Guyot systems.
The grapes undergo soft pressing followed by temperature-controlled fermentation, after which a second fermentation takes place in the bottle. The wine is then aged on the lees for at least 30 months, allowing the flavors and aromas to develop and harmonize.
To ensure optimal preservation, store this Franciacorta Satèn in a dry place away from light, at a controlled temperature below 20°C. Savor the artistry and dedication that goes into every bottle of Vigneti Cenci Franciacorta La Via Della Seta Cuvee Saten, a true testament to the winemaking prowess of this esteemed Italian wine region.
當這款 Satèn 滑過味蕾時,其美妙的柔和與含蓄的特質躍然而出,卻又蘊含令人印象深刻的存在感。果香在酸度與一絲甜味之間達到了精妙的平衡,締造出一場優雅而精心編排的風味交響樂,在整個品鑑過程中始終如一地令人愉悅。
這款卓越葡萄酒的葡萄源自位於 Franciacorta Cologne 鎮附近 Monte Orfano 山坡上精心護理的葡萄園。西南向的山坡和古老的碎石土壤為 Chardonnay 和 Pinot Bianco 葡萄藤提供了理想的生長環境,這些葡萄藤採用 Sylvoz 和 Guyot 系統培植。
採收的葡萄經過溫和壓榨,然後在恆溫環境下發酵,之後在瓶中進行二次發酵。葡萄酒在酒糟上陳釀至少 30 個月,使風味和香氣得以發展和諧。
為確保最佳的保存狀態,請將這款 Franciacorta Satèn 存放在避光、乾燥的地方,控制溫度在 20°C 以下。細細品味每一瓶 Vigneti Cenci Franciacorta La Via Della Seta Cuvee Saten 所蘊含的匠心和奉獻精神,這無疑是這個備受推崇的義大利葡萄酒產區釀酒實力的真實見證。
Crafted from a harmonious blend of 90% Chardonnay and 10% Pinot Bianco, this exquisite Franciacorta Satèn captivates with its graceful and sophisticated perlage. The wine's bright, shining gold color is adorned with subtle, lighter transparent effects that shift towards a delicate straw-yellow hue.
On the nose, a fresh and delicate bouquet unfolds, revealing distinctive floral sensations reminiscent of wild, country blooms in shades of white and yellow. These enchanting aromas give way to firm, compact notes of apricot and nectarine, complemented by a pleasing hint of nettles.
As this Satèn graces the palate, its deliciously subtle and discreet character shines through, yet with an impressive presence. Hints of fruit strike an exquisite balance between acidity and a touch of sweetness, creating a classy and well-orchestrated symphony of flavors that remains pleasingly consistent throughout the tasting experience.
The grapes for this exceptional wine are sourced from a meticulously tended vineyard located on the slope of Monte Orfano in Franciacorta, near the town of Cologne. The south-west exposure and ancient banked colluvial soil on a rocky substrate of conglomerate gravel provide the ideal terroir for the Chardonnay and Pinot Bianco vines, trained using the Sylvoz and Guyot systems.
The grapes undergo soft pressing followed by temperature-controlled fermentation, after which a second fermentation takes place in the bottle. The wine is then aged on the lees for at least 30 months, allowing the flavors and aromas to develop and harmonize.
To ensure optimal preservation, store this Franciacorta Satèn in a dry place away from light, at a controlled temperature below 20°C. Savor the artistry and dedication that goes into every bottle of Vigneti Cenci Franciacorta La Via Della Seta Cuvee Saten, a true testament to the winemaking prowess of this esteemed Italian wine region.
Vigneti Cenci
The Vigneti Cenci winery is located in Cologne, in Franciacorta, and stretches to the foot of Monte Orfano. Monte Orfano is a morainic hill on the southern edge of the Franciacorta region, with wonderful southern exposure. The land is rocky with mineral undersoil, which makes for flavoursome, persistent wines. The region’s unique icroclimate and dry, well-ventilated and sunny conditions make it the ideal habitat for Pinot Bianco, which is the jewel in the winery’s crown.
Dominant Flavour:
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